Monash Health’s security officers will shortly receive new equipment to help when deescalating violent situations and to provide more protection while protecting employees and patients.
The new equipment includes stab/slash proof vests and body worn cameras. They have been in use at Dandenong Hospital since 2019 and will now be rolled out to security teams at our other sites, starting with Clayton on Thursday 25 February.
Body worn cameras
Body worn cameras were rolled out to our security team at Dandenong in 2019 and have proved successful in decreasing violent and aggressive situations. The cameras are activated by the officer when called to an incident and are placed on standby mode once the incident has been successfully deescalated.
Our security teams will follow strict operating procedures and guidelines that have been created for wearing, operating, and using the cameras, including informing individuals they are being recorded and not using the cameras in sensitive or inappropriate locations and situations.
Security Vests
The new vests provide two key functions. They provide a stable platform for the body worn cameras and provide our officers with added protection. The vests are stab and slash proof, ensuring fewer workplace injuries occur for our security teams. The vests are black and have SECURITY written on the front and rear to maximise our team’s visibility and recognition.
These two key pieces of equipment, the body worn cameras and vests, are a substantial step forward in diminishing conflicts and protecting all our employees.
For further information about the new security equipment changes, please contact Steve Bills, or speak to any of our security officers on the ground at our sites, who are happy to explain the important work they do in protecting everyone at Monash Health.
Approved by Katrina Nankervis