National Reconciliation Week

Join us to acknowledge National Reconciliation Week from 27 May until 3 June and walk with us on our journey towards reconciliation.

NRW is a week to educate all Australians about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories, and acknowledge two significant events in the reconciliation journey – the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision.

Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians. The theme this year is Grounded in Truth Walk Together with Courage, which focuses on race relationships. To nurture positive race relationships, our relationship must be grounded in a foundation of truth. This week, it’s important to engage in challenging relationships and learn about our history.

As we remember the importance of these events in our reconciliation journey, special events will take place at Monash Health.

Click here to see our events schedule, and here to learn more about National Reconciliation Week.

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