Return washable scrubs

Washable scrubs are supplied for use in high-risk areas to add another layer of safety, above and beyond PPE requirements. Not returning scrubs for prompt laundering, using them when it is not a requirement, tailoring, or amending them, will likely take away from your colleagues being able to access them when they are needed.

Many employees are failing to return their washable scrubs for laundering at the end of their shifts or storing them for later use. This is affecting important areas of clinical operations and may become a more significant issue. It is a condition of using scrubs for them to be removed before leaving work and returned for laundering at the end of every shift.

Please be sure to return them to the lime green linen bags and not the standard linen bags so that our linen service can prioritise them for laundering and prompt return.

As a matter of safety and hygiene, any employees who may have taken scrubs home, left them in lockers, etc., are asked to bring them back for laundering as quickly as possible.

The laundering service benefits all of the employees who use them, so please ensure we’re all doing the right thing to support our colleagues and providing the safest care for our patients and the community.

Authorised by Katrina Nankervis, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer (Interim)
Signed off by HICT 20 April 2020

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