Intervention order procedure updated

An important procedure that has as its key focus, keeping consumers, their families, and our employees and volunteers safe, has just been revised and updated.

The ‘Responding to family violence intervention orders and other related orders’ procedure is now available on Prompt.

Family Violence Project Manager, Christine Power, said intervention orders can be complicated but the key message is that you are not on your own when dealing with the complexity.

“The revised procedure reiterates the importance of involving others in your decision making. You don’t need to make decisions about what to do on your own. The procedure outlines the clear escalation points when you are aware you have a consumer with an active  intervention order in place.

“When we become aware that we are treating a consumer who has an intervention order (or a related order) in place, our primary consideration is that we support the safety of everyone on our premises,” Chris said.

You can find the revised procedure on Prompt.

42% of our clinical employees are trained in family violence

The Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence team has moved its clinical training online and has trained 42% of the Monash Health clinical workforce in how to recognise the signs of family violence, respond sensitively and refer appropriately.

If you would like family violence training, you can book in for sessions via Latte or contact

Visit the intranet for more information:


Approved by Katrina Nankervis, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Executive Director Residential Care and Support Services

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