A team of cardiac care researchers at Monash Heart (Kim Tucker, Associate Professor Sarah Zaman, Lisa Jenkins, Associate Professor Arthur Nasis and Michael Kolarik) have piloted a women’s only yoga program to encourage attendance at cardiac rehabilitation as part of a project in collaboration with Monash Health and the Australian Centre for Heart Health.
Funded by the Heart Foundation and conducted over a six-month period in 2019 at the Monash Health Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre in Clayton, the yoga program focused on both the physical and mental aspects of recovery after a cardiac event.
The sense of comfort, camaraderie and ease that the yoga program provides enhances the retention of women in cardiac rehabilitation and encourages them to continue engaging in heart health activities, which ultimately reduces their risk of suffering another cardiac event.
This innovative alternative to traditional rehabilitation activities has proven to be very popular and has enhanced the uptake and acceptability of cardiac rehabilitation in women.
Congratulations to the team, well done on such a successful pilot!
Approved by Angus Henderson