We are committed to providing a workplace that promotes and facilitates employee wellbeing and safety to ensure you return home each day safe and well.
To drive continuous improvement, it is important to not only have broad, long-term objectives but also to have specific occupational health and safety targets. These targets are measurable, relevant and timely, and include lead and lag indicators of occupational health and safety performance.
Replacement of the absolute measure of Lost Time Injuries with Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) to measure performance
When OHS targets were introduced two years ago, the absolute measure of Lost Time Injuries was adopted, which is a workplace injury that requires the employee to be away from work for one day/shift.
However, as organisations grow, an absolute measure such as this is not appropriate, and we have decided to adopt the accepted standard to measure lost time injuries. The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) is the ratio of the number of lost time injuries incurred per million hours worked within a given accounting period, usually a financial or calendar year.
This metric allows us to determine if a rise in the number of lost time injuries is relative to increased working hours, or if the increase is due to hazardous work conditions or other adverse organisational factors. Alternatively, the measurement can be used to determine if a decrease in Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate is associated with a positive risk control intervention implemented in the same period.
The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rates over the last three years:
2017-2018 – 30
2018-2019 – 23 (23% reduction)
2019-2020 – 22 (4% reduction)
Occupational Health and Safety Targets 202o-21
- Replacement of the absolute measure of Lost Time Injuries with Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) to measure performance
- 90% completion of Occupational Health and Safety mandatory training (in line with recent organisational change)
- 100% completion of Workplace Inspections each quarter
- 100% completion of Workplace Inspection actions for the previous quarter
Performance against the Occupational Health and Safety Targets will be reported to the Occupational Health and Safety Management Committee, Monash Health Executive Committee and Monash Health Board monthly. The performance metrics will be available on the Occupational Health and Safety dashboard on the Monash Health intranet.