Protecting our Employees: Daily Attestations

We want to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our employees. In line with the Government’s latest initiatives towards making workplaces safer for Victorian healthcare workers, as of this coming Friday employees will be required to complete a daily Attestation that they are well before commencing a workday on-site.

An Attestation is simply showing or providing evidence that something is true, and will help us identify that you are:

  • well
  • free of any COVID-19 symptoms
  • not a known close-contact of a positive COVID-19 case (except with appropriate PPE at work).

The Attestation form takes less than a minute, can be completed before arriving at work and can be submitted by:

  • Completing the online form on your smartphone or device via the or QR Code and showing your green tick upon entry.
  • Completing the online form via the provided devices (Surface Go laptops) at site entrances.

Paper-based forms will also be available at site entry points. 

A helpful guide to using the online employee Attestation tool has been created to ensure you can access the form on your devices and save a shortcut to the form on your smartphone to make the process even faster.

Please be reminded that we will all need to play our part in ending transmission of COVID-19, and if you feel unwell or display any COVID-19 symptoms, do not attend work, get tested, and isolate until you return a negative result.

We want to reassure all employees that you will not be disadvantaged if you need to isolate due to a positive result or close contact. There is specific financial, accommodation, and leave assistance for healthcare workers affected by COVID-19.

For more information and answers to some of your frequently asked questions visit the Attestations page.

Approved by Karen Lowe, Executive Director of People and Culture and Emilio Pozo, Executive Director, Digital Health

This website is for Monash Health employees. Please be mindful before sharing links.Learn more