Monash Heart nurses lead world-first trial

A group of nurses from Monash Heart are leading a world-first trial using an implantable heart monitor to manage patients who suffer from Atrial Fibrillation (AF) from home.

AF or an irregular heartbeat is a risk factor for stroke and people with AF are five times more likely to suffer a stroke.

The device is a wireless insertable cardiac monitor, ideal for patients experiencing infrequent symptoms that require long term-monitoring or ongoing management. It is placed under the skin through a small incision of less than 1cm in the upper left side of the chest.

Usually, patients who are experiencing AF symptoms would present to their GP or ED, so this may potentially reduce the number of hospital visits especially during COVID.
Monash Heart’s Dr Emily Kotschet says the device is a ‘huge game changer’ in the approach to managing patients and preventing hospitalisation.

“By embracing new technology, we hope to show the value for patients, in treating symptoms early, allowing patients to be engaged in their management, and thus reduce hospital presentations” says Dr Emily.

Monash Heart’s Cardiac Rhythm Management Clinical Nurse Consultant Melissa Harvey is leading the trial.

“I am excited to see the trial up and running. We are aiming to prevent ED admissions where possible and provide individualised management through nurse led remote heart rhythm monitoring” says Melissa.

Approved by Professor Stephen Nicholls, Director of Monash Heart

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