Since the first Dandelion Wishes Gala in 2016, the annual Gala at Crown Palladium has been a flagship event on the Monash Health calendar.
Created and run by volunteers Lincoln and Veronique Wulff of the Dandelion Wishes Foundation, the events have raised more than $2 million for Monash Children’s Hospital.
With the June 2020 Gala unable to be held due to COVID-19, the team decided to take the evening of fun, performances, messages and fundraising into people’s homes. Lincoln Wulff explains:
“We saw an opportunity to engage with supporters of Monash Children’s Hospital, previous Gala attendees and Monash Health employees by live-streaming an evening of entertainment,” said Lincoln.
Hosted by Alicia Loxley from Nine News, the Dandelion Wishes Celebration at Home will create the buzz of a top-quality event. Funds raised will go towards equipment for the new Children’s Emergency Department at the Monash Health Clayton site.
“So save the date – 21 November 2020 from 7.15 to 8.30pm – book tickets early and we look forward to welcoming you on the night,” Veronique said.
Buy tickets (at $55 per household) today at:
Approved by Ron Fairchild, Director, Monash Health Foundation 26 October 2020
**Breaking news**
In a special offer just for Monash Health employees, tickets to the Dandelion Wishes Celebration at Home will be available at no charge for employees. Simply book using your Monash Health email address and enter the promotional code ‘MHEMP’ to receive your household’s free ticket.