You may be aware that following the signing of the new National Health Reform Agreement earlier this year, the Commonwealth Department of Health is proposing changes to the funding of MBS patients in the public hospital settings.
The Victorian DHHS have advised they are corresponding with the Commonwealth and are seeking clarity on several aspects of the proposals. They have also released new MBS policy and a set of draft best-practice guidelines. The DHHS is consulting with Victorian Health Services via a reference group that involves Monash Health. DHHS has set up workshops with the Health Services to discuss the best practice guidelines which will occur later this month.
Monash Health has set up a similar process internally to ensure that our response takes into account the views of those directly involved and affected. Further communication will be provided after feedback from the workshops has been taken into account and a further draft of best-practice guidelines released
In the meantime, Stuart Donaldson, our Chief Financial Officer Finance advises that current practices continue as we work through this together.
Monash Health will, of course, support billing specialists who receive any correspondence or requests from Medicare.
If you have any concerns please contact David Anderson, Director Finance Operations (