Free, dedicated breast screening for employees and volunteers

Monash BreastScreen is the largest service in Victoria. Approximately 60,000 women per year are screened across their seven screening sites. At a recent employee forum, we heard from the Monash Health Breast Services team about the importance of regular breast screening for early detection.

If you are over 50 and never had a breast screen before, or are due for your two-yearly screen, the Monash BreastScreen team is making it easy for you to book an appointment. Throughout November, the team will be opening free sessions specifically for Monash Health employees and volunteers.

You can book your screening by calling either Moorabbin Hospital on 9928 8760 or Casey Hospital on 9928 8761. Should you wish to get a screen closer to home, we encourage you to book online here:

What happens at a breast screen?

We encourage anyone who could not tune in to the employee forum by our BreastScreen team, to watch the recording here. It was an insightful presentation and covered topics such as: how to check your breasts, what the breast cancer risk factors are, and the importance of early detection.

Approved by Katrina Nankervis.

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