We’ve already had a strong response to the COVID-19 employee survey but we’re keen to drive those numbers up higher.
This is your opportunity to take five minutes and tell us what is working and where further effort is needed.
Please take five minutes to tell us how you are feeling now, by completing the new survey.
As we move to the ‘covid normal’, we want to ensure you are supported.
In the short, confidential survey, there are four additional questions, with a stronger focus on fatigue, mental and physical wellbeing and how you are engaging with your manager – and how they are responding – when raising concerns or problems.
On the basis of the June survey results, we have:
- expanded the number of available shared spaces
- continued with a program of employee forums, with regular updates on key issues and allowing you to ask questions directly of the executive
- dedicated time to wellbeing topics at the Thursday employee forums
- dedicated time at the Manager Briefings to topics such as positive leadership, the gift of feedback, communicating in uncertain times, managing virtual teams and more
- expanded on the Manager communication elements of the coronavirus website
- continued to reinforce safety messages in relation to PPE, social distancing, hand hygiene and shared spaces
- conducted dedicated nursing and midwifery forums
- continued to expand and improve on the coronavirus website content.
Given the public holidays, we’re keeping the survey open until 5pm on Friday 6 November. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say now.