Changes to visitation in residential care facilities 

The Premier has announced that Victoria has moved to the last step restrictions of the roadmap for reopening 

In line with the last step, the following changes are effective in Monash Health residential care facilities from 27 November: 


  • Visiting hours are between 1–5pm daily. 
  • Room density limits apply in common areas. 
  • Visitors must have had an up-to-date flu vaccination and produce a certificate or sign a declaration stating they have had the vaccination. Visitors without a current flu vaccination must contact the facility ahead of visiting to ensure local arrangements can be made. 
  • Residents may leave the facility. On leaving the facility, residents must follow current public health directives 
  • Upon residents return, facilities should ask the same screening questions as visitors. If a resident answers yes to one of the questions please escalate to the Facility Manager and treat as high risk. 
  • Visitor declarations and other COVIDsafe requirements (e.g. wearing a mask, hand hygiene) remain in place. 

Daily attestations
Daily attestations for employees will continue. 

Asymptomatic testing
Our asymptomatic testing program continues, and I encourage you to participate.  

Visiting Service providers
Visiting service providers such as diversional therapists, allied health professionals and hairdressers are permitted to enter residential aged care facilities when their services cannot be provided via telehealth or other adaptive models of care. These providers must adhere to equivalent social distancing and hygiene practices as they have implemented in community settings 

Single employer requirement for public sector aged care 
Public sector residential aged care is still required to follow the single employer principle until February 2021. 

Approved by Katrina Nankervis

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