Increased likelihood of family violence incidents

As we head into the holiday season it is important to remember that holidays like Christmas and New Year’s Day are peak times for family violence-related incidents, with issues like stress, financial insecurity and alcohol all contributing factors. No to Violence, Respect Victoria and Victoria Police launched the Safe Silly Season campaign this week to raise awareness of just how dangerous this time can be.

This year Victoria’s rate of family violence during the COVID-19 pandemic was the highest in recorded history and authorities have concerns about another expected jump in family violence incidents during this year’s post-lockdown festive season.

Data from the Crime Statistics Agency shows that last year there was a 39% increase in family violence assaults on Christmas Day and a 33% increase on Boxing Day.

If you or someone in your team requires support, please have a look at the options available here.

Here at Monash Health we have several resources available to help assist employees in identifying and responding to patients you suspect may be experiencing family violence, including over-the-phone and online support for managers, employees, and patient-related secondary consults from the Family Violence team, along with:

If you have not completed your training on this important topic, you are encouraged to make a booking for 2021. Manager training (about supporting employees personally affected by family violence) is now mandatory. Alternatively, book into a clinical session and learn how to identify and respond to patients experiencing violence.

You can learn more about our Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence on COVID employee website, the intranet, PROMPT or contact the team directly via:

Approved by Katrina Nankervis 

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