Dear Referring Teams,
Due to unavailability of 18F-FDG during the Christmas period Monash Health Imaging – Moorabbin Hospital is restricted in offering PET scans during the Christmas and New Year period.
PET scans will be temporarily on hold from Thursday 24 December with intent to recommence scanning from Monday the 4 January in a limited capacity (urgent cases only) for the remainder of that week. From Monday 11 January service provision will resume to normal.
Please do not hesitate to contact our Charge Technologist Alex Carey or Clinical Head Dr Shakher Ramdave if you wish to discuss PET/CT scan availability in further detail.
We are currently experiencing a very high demand for PET services which may impact on the turnaround time for appointments over this period.
Thank you for your ongoing referrals to Monash Health Imaging and best wishes for the festive season.
Monash Health Imaging
Nuclear Medicine and PET
9928 8897