COVID-19 Alert: 12 January – PPE updates, Travel permits, Regional NSW and Greater Brisbane

Changes to Personal Protective Equipment

We have now recorded six days in a row without locally acquired cases reported in Victoria. In response, our COVID-19 precautions have been updated.

Face shields are no longer required in the following settings:

  • Routine use in Emergency Departments*
  • Home visits
  • Screening teams at site entrances

*Tier 3 PPE, which includes a face shield, should be used in areas within Emergency Departments where suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients are being treated.

Updated PPE Guidance (Conventional USE of PPE) is available here.

A new permit system for interstate travel

A new permit system for domestic travellers wanting to enter Victoria has been established. Permits operate on a traffic light system, and every part of the country is designated either red, orange or green based on risk.

People coming from:

  • Green zones must get tested if they develop symptoms.
  • Orange zones must get tested and isolate until they receive a negative result.
  • Red zones will not be able to enter Victoria without an exemption. Those who do enter the state must quarantine at home for 14 days.

You cannot apply for a permit if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or if you have visited a red zone.

Regional NSW has been reclassified as an orange zone
From 5.59pm 11 January, regional NSW has been reclassified as an orange zone. If you have been isolating after being in regional NSW, you are now permitted to leave isolation if you have received a negative test result since arriving. You can return to work if you don’t have symptoms.

Advice for employees who have returned from Greater Brisbane
If you arrived in Victoria from the red zone in Queensland (Brisbane, Logan, Redlands, Moreton Bay, Ipswich council areas) between 2 January and 6pm 11 January, you are permitted to leave isolation if you have received a negative test result since arriving. You can return to work if you don’t have symptoms.

Updated advice for screening teams

All managers are requested to share these updates with their teams and discuss at stand-ups and handovers. Please print a copy and display it in communication books and on employee noticeboards.

As advice and information evolve, please consult the latest updates and visit the Department of Health and Human Services and Monash Health COVID-19 website for employees regularly for the latest.

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