Message from the Chief Executive
As of today, we have:
- No COVID-19 positive inpatients.
- 18 employees in precautionary quarantine. 17 related to the current VIC outbreak. One related to the WA outbreak.
In this update we cover:
- New exposure sites and red zones in south-east Melbourne
- Advice for employees who have worked or do work in any quarantine hotel
- Monash Health confirmed to run one of the first vaccination hubs
- Family Violence related question added to RiskMan
- Remote working reminder
- New Department of Health structure
- Last chance to nominate for the HESTA Nurse/Midwife of the Year Awards
- Give Me Five – Let’s make time to talk
- Outstanding Employee Workplace Declarations – time for action
New exposure sites and red zones in south-east Melbourne
Several sites in south-east Melbourne were declared red zones on Wednesday, a reminder that COVID-19 is still with us, and we must remain vigilant.
You can read more about current Victorian case locations and outbreaks here. It’s important that you check this list daily, as it will change as contact training continues.
If you visited any of the designated red zone sites during the times listed, you must:
- Get tested immediately.
- Isolate for 14 days and do not attend work.
- Contact your manager.
- Contact the COVID-19 Employee Hotline on 959 45815 (7am to 7pm – seven days a week).
- Contact the Department of Health (DoH) on 1300 651 160.
Until further notice, employees and students may not work at Monash Health within 14 days of working a shift in a quarantine hotel. Advice for those who have worked or do work in a quarantine hotel is below.
Remember: face masks required indoors
As per the new Government guidelines, you must wear a face mask when indoors (outside your home) unless eating or drinking. This applies at all Monash Health spaces and offices.
Monash Health is one of the first vaccination hubs
As we continue to protect ourselves and our community from COVID-19, it is heartening to see the progress we have made in our vaccination program. The Victorian Minister for Health, Martin Foley MP, has confirmed Monash Health will be among the first health services to provide a hub to administer the Commonwealth-led vaccination program.
Our priority is to make sure vaccines can be administered to Victorians as quickly and safely as possible. Our Infection Prevention and clinical teams are working hard to ensure this happens. Preparations are well advanced for vaccination to commence in early March, with hotel workers a priority.
Establishing the hub means we can proudly continue our essential role in protecting the Victorian community during the pandemic and assist a return to a more normal existence. You can hear from our Head of Infection Prevention, Professor Rhonda Stuart speaking at the press conference, here.
The importance of attestation
Attestations help us remain mindful of our health and potential exposure sites or activities we have attended before entering a Monash Health site. Watch this helpful video from Andrew Wilson, Victoria’s Chief Medical Officer for further information on why attestations remain a critical part of our daily routine.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to keeping each other and our community safe.
Andrew Stripp
Chief Executive
Key Messages
Advice for employees who have worked or do work in any quarantine hotel
If you worked at the Grand Hyatt between 15-31 January, you must:
- Get tested immediately.
- Isolate for 14 days. Do not attend work.
- Contact your manager.
- Contact the COVID-19 Employee Hotline on 959 45815 (7am to 7pm – seven days a week).
If you have worked at ANY other quarantine hotel in the past 14 days, you must:
- Not return to work at Monash Health until 14 days have passed since your last shift at any quarantine hotel and you are free of symptoms.
- Contact your manager.
- Contact the COVID-19 Employee Hotline on 959 45815 (7am to 7pm – seven days a week).
Until further notice, employees and students may not work at Monash Health within 14 days of working a shift in a quarantine hotel.
Updated advice and support materials for screening teams are available here.
Outstanding Employee and Student Workplace Declarations – time for action
The most recent COVID-19 outbreaks remind us of the value of accurate, up to date information about people’s movements at any given time. Approximately seven per cent of our employees have not completed the compulsory Employee Workplace Declaration form to declare all their workplaces, even if Monash Health is their only place of work.
To comply with the Public Health Commander’s directive and continue to protect yourself, your colleagues, patients, and our community, we must to achieve a 100 per cent completion rate, so all employees and managers of students, please ensure the declaration is completed.
Employees can find out more and take action here. Students can fill in the declaration here. Managers of students must ensure they are aware of all work locations and that students declare them.
If you have already filled in a declaration and your circumstances have changed, please notify your manager.
Check-in every time and check exposure locations
Please remain mindful of checking-in at every location you visit, both in and outside work. You can view an up-to-date list of Victorian exposure locations here and stay informed of any potential overlap with places you’ve visited. Checking-in is a vital part of contact tracing and ensuring rapid control of any potential outbreaks.
Last chance to nominate for the HESTA Nurse/Midwife of the Year Awards
The HESTA Australian Nursing & Midwifery Awards recognise nurses, midwives, nurse educators and researchers as well as personal care workers. Monash Health has a great history at these awards, having won the previous two years.
Nominations have now been extended until Friday 12 February for the HESTA Nurse/Midwife of the year award. Learn more and nominate a colleague today here.
Family Violence related question added to RiskMan
Across our health service, we must be alert to the signs of family violence and ready to respond, have sensitive conversations and make sure we provide the right advice to help keep people safe. A new category has been added to RiskMan to capture whether an incident or near miss relates to family violence. All employees are encouraged to familiarise themselves with when and how to use the new family violence field within RiskMan.
Learn more and access the quick reference guide here.
Remote working reminder
Over the past weeks, there has been an increase in meeting room bookings, indicating a potential shift back to on-site working for some teams. While recent figures in the media noted the percentage recommendations for returning workers, these are generalised and not tailored to our service, and should not be used as a guide for on-site work. All employees are reminded that there has been no change to remote working arrangements at Monash Health at this time.
Our People and Culture team are continuing to refine the model for working on-site, aligned with requirements for transitioning back to work safely and smoothly. Please maintain the current remote working model and book meeting rooms within those guidelines, including online meetings as a preference and avoid face-to-face meetings for an entire team. If you have concerns about continuing to work remotely, please discuss these with your manager.
New Department Structure
As of Monday 1 February, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services separated into two new departments – the Department of Health (DoH) and the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH). Led by the Minister for Health Martin Foley MP, the DH will be responsible for the health, ambulance services, mental health, and ageing portfolios.
Find out how the DoH and DFFH will deliver a healthier, fairer Victoria here.
Give Me Five – Let’s make time to talk
Have you started your ‘Give Me Five’ or Annual Performance discussions? These conversations with your manager are essential to have a shared understanding of your goals and plans for the year. These conversations provide an opportunity to look back on past achievements, clarify expectations and make sure you both understand your progress, aspirations, and how you can best contribute to the team.
All managers are requested to share these updates with their teams and discuss at stand-ups and handovers. Please print a copy and display it in communication books and on employee noticeboards.
As advice and information evolve, please consult the latest updates and visit the Department of Health and Human Services and Monash Health COVID-19 website for employees regularly for the latest.