Vaccinations by appointment off to a great start

It’s great to see Monash Health’s vaccination program off to a smooth start and employees keen to be protected against COVID-19.

Having made a solid start at Monash Medical Centre, Clayton and in residential aged care – with over 1,000 people vaccinated – this week we open our Dandenong vaccination clinic. Next week vaccinations will start at Casey.

To ensure we can maintain the plan to vaccinate employees in priority order, all employees are reminded they cannot be vaccinated without a booked appointment.

Your manager will discuss the process for bookings with you and the priority phase you come under.

Please do not visit the clinic speculatively as only those with a pre-booked appointment will be accepted.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work towards protecting our employees, patients, and communities in a safe and timely way.

Please continue to stay informed with the most up to date information on the Monash Health vaccination web hub.


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