Sharing your password to any Monash Health IT systems, including the EMR, is prohibited. Your log-in details are your online identity at work and need protecting from potential misuse by others.
Please do not share your password in any circumstances. This includes giving Tap on Tap off (TOTO) access to the EMR for others.
You are not permitted to share your password intentionally, as this can lead to being liable for any misconduct and breaches of privacy attributed to your credentials. Intentionally sharing your password is considered a breach of an employee’s obligations and can result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. Please take the time to review and familiarise yourself with your responsibilities. IT policies are available on PROMPT:
If you have issues accessing specific systems, including the EMR, please contact the IT Help Desk on 9594 7255. After-hours access issues can also be escalated via your site NCO.
For all enquiries regarding EMR training, including urgent training requests, you can email the EMR Training team.
Approved by Katrina Nankervis, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer and Executive Director Residential and Support Services