If you think that the Tap On Tap Off (TOTO) logon delay and black screens have gone, you’re right. Thanks to the Digital Health team’s efforts and a lot of work progressing in the background, the last three months have seen significant strides in removing the frustrating black squares and delays.
We spoke to our Executive Director of Digital Health, Emilio Pozo, to find the team’s commitment made all the difference to turn around what might appear at first glance to be a deceptively simple change that was anything but.
“When I wrote to our employees in December last year, I acknowledged the issues we were all experiencing with our Citrix environment and TOTO functionality. Many of us use systems multiple times a day, so the team and I appreciated black screens and logon delays were frustrating. That’s why we were wholly committed to addressing the issues as rapidly as possible.
My team and I have worked through a remediation plan as I committed to everyone we would. I am pleased to update you that this is now complete. This plan was a priority for me personally and for the Digital Health team. It has been executed successfully through our dedicated employees’ coordinated efforts working intensely and closely with vendors over the last three months. I’m thankful for the effort and teamwork that went into remediating these issues.
Three months may seem like a long time to fix what appears on our screens to be a seemingly simple issue, removing a ‘black square’. As with any organisation, Monash Health’s size, the systems and supporting hardware that upholds our day-to-day digital activities are highly complex and substantial pieces of infrastructure. These operate predominantly out of sight, but because your work relies heavily on these systems, we needed to ensure that updates and fixes were methodically tested and validated before we could progress. This takes time, and I want to thank you all for your patience as we have worked through these issues.
Employees using TOTO devices should no longer see any black squares or screens, and logon times should be under 20 seconds, reduced from an average of 45 seconds experienced at the end of last year.
Our commitment to continuous improvement goes beyond the business as usual fixes, however. I’m excited by the changes we have already actioned to deliver the remote working model that has ensured our people can continue working. Following this foundation work, the Digital Health Team have plans for improvements to the technology underpinning the clinical TOTO Workspace Strategy, which will complement our Working Remotely Strategy. There will undoubtedly be some exciting developments to share, and I look forward to doing this with you all soon!
As always, if you have ongoing issues or further questions, please log a call via Central or contact the IT Service Desk on 9594 7255 and press option 1.”
Approved by Emilio Pozo, Executive Director Digital Health