We’re all responsible for keeping each other safe, and managers have a special role to play.
You know your teams best, and your workplaces, and the situations that need to be monitored and acted on to keep everyone safe.
To help our managers lead with care, we’ve made some changes to the way we handle some of our incident processes.
What’s new
- Managers will now close out all ISR 3 & 4 OHS incidents
- Safety Advisors will continue closing out ISR 1 & 2 OHS incidents
Why it’s important
Managers can make sure actions that keep your teams safe are complete and fit to purpose for your team.
The Safety team will continue to support with advice on incident investigations, injury management and will also focus on more severe and complex ISR 1 and 2 incident closeout. With this small change in procedure, we can all share what we’ve learned to create a better workplace and safer teams.
Your safety team is here for you where you need additional support or advice for any incident. Managers must also consult Health and Safety representatives about an investigation or suggested actions before, during and after an incident.
Tips for Managers
What is an OHS Incident?
An event or circumstance that leads – or could lead – to unintended or unnecessary harm.
What is an ISR?
An Incident Severity Rating (ISR) score of 1, 2, 3 or 4 measures the severity of the impact (harm) caused to either a person or organisation following an incident. The ISR can also be used to measure the potential severity of impact (PISR).
When can I close an OHS Incident?
An OHS incident can be closed once an investigation and associated corrective actions are completed.
How do I close an OHS Incident?
OHS incidents are reported and closed out via the Riskman system.
Click the “Close” button located at the bottom of the Riskman report.
Keeping Track of Open Incidents
Visit the Open Incidents page on the OHS Dashboard to gain insight into your site, program or department’s open incidents.
Find out more
Detailed information regarding the closure of incidents is outlined in the How to Conduct OHS Investigations Procedure – available on PROMPT
Contact your Safety Advisor anytime via safety@monashhealth.org or 03 9594 6140 during business hours.
Pull up a chair at the next digital Safety Café
Join us Monday 19 April 2021 at 2pm via Webex for a Safety Café to discuss all matters Safety!
Learn the HSR role in Managing OVA
Meet Nicole Edwards the Prevention of Occupational Violence and Aggression (POVA) Coordinator and learn information regarding:
- How to use OVA Alerts
- How to report OVA
- What OVA Training is available
Review a successful OVA Risk Assessment
We will review an OVA Risk Assessment completed with an HSR and discuss.
Join the Webex Event
Event address: https://monashhealth.webex.com/monashhealth/onstage/g.php?MTID=eaacd99ca9e13131646cfa29fa82ae270
Event Number: 165 050 6541
Use the event link on your computer or the event number on your Webex smartphone app to join this event.
Webex Events require extra steps to log in, including the event password, so please allow five minutes to join before the event start time.
Join the Webex Event
To ask a question during the event, log on to slido.com using your web browser or smartphone and enter the code #SAFETYCAFE.
Approved by Karen Lowe