Respirator Fit Testing: Extended Hours

To further support the rollout of fit testing for employees, we are happy to announce extended testing hours from 10 May 2021. Various extended morning and afternoon hours will be offered across all current fit testing sites to give you greater flexibility in completing your fit test ahead of the 1 June deadline for priority cohorts.

Thank you to over 4,000 employees who have been completed fit testing since December.

An important reminder that all priority cohorts must have completed their mandatory fit test before 1 June 2021. If you were required to undertake PPE training, and are required to wear a P2/N95 respirator as set out in the tiered PPE compulsory standards (see here), you are required to be fit tested. If you are required to be fit tested, and have not done so, please book now.

Fit testing is currently available at: Casey Hospital, Clayton Medical Centre, Dandenong Hospital, Moorabbin Hospital, and the Kingston Centre.

Fit tested respirators remain a vital protection against COVID-19 and other respiratory hazards, which is why the Victorian Government have made fit testing a mandatory requirement. Fit testing is an annual requirement at Monash Health and the session is scheduled for 1 hour.

For further information, including a list of the priority cohorts, how to book a fit test and access to completion of medical clearance, consent and booking, please visit the RPE Fit Testing intranet page.


Approved by Karen Lowe

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