Thank you to the Lions Club of Waverley

The Monash Health Foundation this week welcomed members of the Lions Club of Waverley to thank them for their latest donation to Monash Children’s Hospital.

The recent gift was $15,000 to purchase 9 mobile diagnostic sets, with each set including an ophthalmoscope and an otoscope.  The sets have been allocated to wards across Monash Children’s Hospital in Clayton and the satellite sites at Casey Hospital and Dandenong Hospital.

Chief resident Dr John Doan explained the importance of the diagnostic sets.

“The ophthalmoscope allows us to assess the child’s eyes, while the otoscope looks at the ears, nose and throat. Each set is essential equipment that is a very important part of the diagnostic process,” Dr Doan said.

Consultant paediatrician Dr Cathy McAdam said there were many benefits to the sets being mobile.

“Usually diagnostic sets such as these are attached to a wall in a clinic room. Being portable, these new sets are extremely practical and can be taken to where the patient is, such as the bedside or sitting on the parent’s lap,” Dr McAdam said.

The Lions Club of Waverley has a history of strong support for the hospital. Donations date back to 2012 and include 25 kangaroo chairs for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and baby training manikins for students and employees to learn and refresh basic life support skills.

Club President Meg Blight said that it was great to hear how the diagnostic sets are being used.

“It’s wonderful that the Lions Club of Waverley can make a gift that positively impacts patient care across Monash Children’s Hospital,” Meg said.

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