Accreditation Bulletin
This is a weekly communication to keep you up to date with what you need to know and do in the lead up to accreditation (7-11 June)…only 17 days away.
Preparing for accreditation is about ensuring you feel confident and comfortable when you meet with the assessors in June, to convey the great work that you do every day to deliver high-quality care and a positive patient experience.
Over the following weeks, we’ll be providing you with updates, resources, top tips, access to events and more. You can view and download previous Bulletins here.
Focus of the week: Performance appraisals and training requirements
Here are the things to do this week to ensure we remain on track for accreditation:
- All employees, book in a Give Me Five or Annual Performance discussion.
- Managers, use our new ‘Power BI Targeted Training Dashboard’ Quick Reference Guide (QRG) to pull reports and monitor training compliance (more information below).
- Clinicians, log in to Latte and check your training is up to date, and if not, please complete it.
Training is a critical part of delivering safe and effective care to our community. You must complete your targeted and mandatory training as soon as possible. In this edition, you’ll find statistics, guides, calls to action and answers to frequently asked questions around training.
Training in numbers
Monash Health has set a target of 90% for mandatory and targeted training. With our National Standards accreditation assessment less than three weeks away, here’s how our training completion rates look (as of Thursday, 20 May). The courses in bold indicate where we need to improve and where we need you to concentrate your efforts.
Mandatory training
Course | Completion rate (%) |
Cultural Awareness | 89.3% |
Fire Training | 90.6% |
iBelong | 90.2% |
Managing Challenging Behaviour (OVA) | 88.7% |
Health and Safety (OHS) | 96.7% |
Privacy Training | 65.9% |
Using Social Media | 97.2% |
Unconscious Bias | 94.2% |
Targeted training
Course | Completion rate (%) |
Allergies and ADR | 88% |
Aseptic Technique | 87% |
Cultural Awareness for Managers | 79% |
Blood Safe Clinical Transfusion | 70% |
Clinical Handover | 80% |
Delirium: Suspect it, spot it, stop it | 52% |
Deteriorating Patient | 81% |
Hand Hygiene | 83% |
Intro to high-risk medications | 66% |
Medication Safety | 61% |
Open discussion training | 71% |
Partnering with consumers | 81% |
Patient ID Procedure Mat | 66% |
PPE transmissions based precautions | 84% |
Preventing falls | 81% |
Prevent & Mng Pressure Injuries | 68% |
Quality, safety and managing risk for SMS | 72% |
Teach-back | 83% |
Take aim with our Targeted Training BI Dashboard guide
Do you need help accessing and using Power BI to find, monitor and report on targeted training? We’ve developed a new and easy to follow ‘Power BI Targeted Training Dashboard’ Quick Reference Guide (QRG).
From how to access Power BI to filtering by course, program, cost centre and/or occupational groups, the new QRG will help you and your teams find reports, dashboards and data analysis to monitor performance and compliance.
You can read more about the guide and answers to some of your frequently asked questions here.
Have you completed your deteriorating patient training?
The target for deteriorating patient training has been set at 90%. Please ensure you and your teams are up to date with your Deteriorating Patient training. Overall, 81% (9,748) of employees have completed this training in the last 12 months, however not all disciplines have the same completion rates.
- 66% Doctors
- 85% Nurses and Midwives
- 88% Allied Health
- 92% Pharmacists
Doctors, make sure you have completed your Deteriorating Patient training.
Up to May 31, completion of the online deteriorating patient courses (excluding neonatal courses) will be considered as full completion of the course.
- Employees, Log in to Latte, search for “deteriorating patient” in the course catalogue, and open the deteriorating patient training specific to your area/speciality.
- Managers, you can generate reports and identify employees who have or need to complete their training using the new follow ‘Power BI Targeted Training Dashboard’ Quick Reference Guide (QRG).
Medication Safety & Administration training for Nurses and Midwives
We have recently changed the way we check and administer high-risk medicines at Monash Health. This change ensures high-risk medicines are managed safely, reduces variation in practice, and reduces the risk of medication administration errors.
- If you are a nurse or midwife (excluding graduate nurses and midwives), you must log in to LATTE and complete the new eLearn, Medication Safety & Administration for Nurses and Midwives, by 30 June.
- The revised Medication Administration procedure is available on PROMPT
You can read more about this important change here.
‘Delirium: Suspect it, Spot it, Stop it’ training
The Delirium and Dementia e-module, ‘Delirium: Suspect it, Spot it, Stop it’, is available via Latte for clinicians. The module only takes 15-20 minutes to complete, so log in to Latte and complete your training today.
Mandatory and targeted training FAQ
Mandatory v targeted training – what’s the difference?
All Monash Health employees are required to complete their mandatory training, such as iBelong and fire training, regardless of role.
Targeted training is specific to your role, and you must complete the courses that have been allocated to you.
How do I know which training courses I need to complete?
Completing your training is now easier than ever. All you need to do is log in to Latte, and the targeted and mandatory training courses you are required to complete will be automatically assigned to you and featured under “My Required Learning” on the Latte homepage.
How are training courses allocated?
Every employee is allocated an occupational category, specialty and management level in our Position Management database. We use this information to create audience groups. Targeted training courses are then allocated to the relevant audience group(s).
- Employees – If you believe you haven’t been assigned the correct training, please speak to your line manager.
- Managers – if you have any concerns regarding the correct occupational category, specialty or management level details for your teams, please refer to the Position Management intranet page or email
What do I need to know about completing my training?
Overall, and for most employees, the training takes less than 90 minutes per year. Many of the course modules are short and can be completed in bursts (you can pause and return to your training if required).
Latte will send you notifications via email as a reminder when there is something new or when you are due to redo a course. If you are completing your training before the due date, remember to click on the ‘Reset Completion’ button on the course page prior to doing your training (so that a new completion date is recorded).
Don’t forget that Latte can be accessed on-site or remotely via your laptop/computer, tablet or mobile device, via
Have some of the course names in the BI reports changed?
Some of the names of Latte courses were not consistent with the names used in the Targeted Training reports and dashboards on Power BI.
It’s important to note that the course codes won’t change, but to improve reporting consistency, the names/descriptions of four courses (outlined below) to align with the course names in Latte.
Course code | Previous course description in BI | New course description in BI |
IQCP01 | Consumer Participation | Partnering with Consumers |
NMMP01 | Preventing Managing Pres | Prevent & Mng Pressure Injuries |
NMTV01 | WEB-Fam Violence Workplace Response 1hr | Family Violence – Managers |
PHMS01 | Medication Safety | Intro to High Risk Meds |
Where can I get more information on Mandatory and Targeted training and LATTE?
The process and requirements for mandatory and targeted training are outlined in the Mandatory and Targeted Training procedure on PROMPT. The procedure includes:
- details of mandatory training courses applicable to employees
- details of targeted training courses
- the criteria for defining which employees are required to complete the courses
- the approval process for course and audience group changes
If you have any queries about LATTE, please email
All managers are requested to share these updates with their teams and discuss them at meetings and handovers. Please print a copy and display it in communication books and on employee noticeboards.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. For accreditation information and resources, please visit the Monash Health employee Accreditation website.