Cleaning and decluttering your areas

A big part of preparing and being ready for accreditation is ensuring our work and communal areas are kept clean and free of clutter.

As our Quality Manager for Standards, Audits and PROMPT, Rachel Vogelsang likes to say, “Accreditation is similar to preparing your house for auction, we want to showcase and present it in the best possible way.”


From removing old notices, posters and signage from your areas to flagging and removing any excess, broken or redundant equipment on your ward, decluttering makes for a safer and more efficient space.

If you would like to request the removal of faulty or unused equipment from your ward/area, please contact your site-specific General Services email below:


Our General Services team work tirelessly to deliver a clean environment for our patients, visitors and employees, but keeping our areas and facilities clean and free of rubbish is everyone’s responsibility.


  • Please ensure you dispose of your rubbish/waste and recycling in the appropriate bins provided.

Ward devices


  • Keep your workstation clean and tidy to enable easier cleaning.
  • Cleaning workstations is a daily activity for all employees and should be done at the start and end of the day/shift.
  • Wipe down surfaces, keyboards, mouse, phones, desks/tables, screens, phones, handles, switches, and anything else you have touched using the approved cleaning products.

Cleaning products

  • Approved cleaning products can be ordered on Iproc


Approved by Katrina Nankervis.

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