New Monash Health BI Portal goes live

This week Monash Health has gone live with a new Manager BI portal. The Portal presents Managers with a one-stop-shop for key Business Intelligence reports and resources, relevant for Managers. The development of this Portal is directly linked to the objectives of our excellent ward governance work program and provides managers with a single platform to access reports that support them being effective to manage their service.

The Manager BI portal has been co-designed with Monash Health Managers from a range of areas, Sites and Programs, to ensure that it meets our Managers’ needs and requirements. With this input, content has been developed and grouped to help managers undertake their daily roles, responsibilities and activities. Key Portal content encompasses Quality and Safety, Workforce, Activity, Finance, Patient Experience and Patent Flow domains.

While it is now ‘live’, the design process will remain iterative, and will be further refined based on ongoing user feedback and engagement. There is a link from the Manager BI Portal intranet page to provide feedback so we can improve this product and your experience.

The new Manager BI portal can be found here and is easily accessed from the Monash Health intranet page.


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