COVID-19 Alert 16 July 2021- Important Victorian outbreak update

The current outbreak in Victoria is rapidly evolving, with exposure sites and guidelines changing to help us manage the outbreak. While the restrictions required to keep our patients, our community, and our colleagues safe may feel familiar, please take the time to ensure you are up to date with:

It is important to remain mindful, ask the right questions, and stop and think if you have any doubts. Avoiding complacency is our best line of defence against incidents and near-misses. Please remember that lockdowns can still be challenging to live and work through, so continue to look out for one another, take your time, and ensure you are working safely.

Visitor restrictions
In line with the Chief Health Officer’s directions, visitors will not be permitted at Monash Health hospitals, care locations, or residential facilities from 11:59pm, Friday 16 July. Exceptions include end-of-life reasons, as a support partner for birth/maternity, or a parent/carer to accompany a child.

We know this will be hard for patients and loved ones, but it is necessary to protect patients, healthcare workers, and the community. Please consider alternatives to visiting, such as phone calls and video chat.


I want to leave you with this positive feedback passed on to me, published by Vanilla Lounge in Oakleigh on their social media.

“The South East Public Health Unit (on behalf of the Department of Health) were incredible. Their work must be honourably commended. The team went above and beyond to assist us to ensure that we were ready to open our doors again in record time.”

You are all doing important work that does not go unnoticed. Thank you for your assistance as we work to protect and care for our community.

Remember, if you, a colleague or a family member, are struggling with this lockdown, we have support available, including the Employee Assistance Program on 1300 687 327.

Martin Keogh
Acting Chief Executive

All managers are requested to share these updates with their teams and discuss at stand-ups and handovers. Please print a copy and display it in communication books and on employee noticeboards. 

As advice and information evolve, please regularly consult the latest updates by visiting the Victorian coronavirus website and the Monash Health COVID-19 website.

This website is for Monash Health employees. Please be mindful before sharing links.Learn more