COVID-19 Alert 22 September 2021- Changes to PPE requirements at Moorabbin Hospital, Kingston Centre, and Residential Aged Care Facilities

Changes to PPE requirements at Moorabbin Hospital, Kingston Centre, and Residential Aged Care Facilities

From 11.59pm tonight, patient-facing employees at Moorabbin, Kingston, and in Aged Care will move to surgical masks and eye protection as standard PPE unless:

  • working in theatre (including ECT), PACU, Day Treatment Unit or entrance screening (Tier 1b PPE applies)
  • caring for a COVID suspected or confirmed patient (Tier 3 PPE applies)
  • you have worked in a COVID streaming area in the past 14 days (Tier 1b PPE applies)
  • eating/drinking on a meal break or alone in your own office

This change follows an evaluation of the current level of COVID-19 transmission risk in these locations against the burden of increased levels of PPE for our team members.

Understanding which PPE to use

If you have no contact with patients

  • Tier 0 PPE– surgical mask

If you have contact with patients at Moorabbin Hospital, Kingston Centre, or in our Residential Aged Care Facilities

  • Tier 1a PPE– surgical mask and eye protection
    Note: if you are working in theatre (including ECT), PACU, Day Treatment Unit or entrance screening, or have worked in a COVID streaming area in the past 14 days, then Tier 1b PPE applies (N95 mask and eye protection)

If you have contact with patients at any other Monash Health sites

  • Tier 1b PPE– N95 mask and eye protection

If you work in SCOVID and COVID-19 streaming areas

  • Tier 3 PPE– gloves, gown, N95 mask, and eye protection

Further detail about which PPE to use in different working situations is outlined in our PPE Compulsory Standards.

Residential Aged Care remains under single site arrangements.

Thank you for your continued hard work, flexibility, and commitment to protecting our community.

Andrew Stripp
Chief Executive

All managers are requested to share these updates with their teams and discuss at stand-ups and handovers. Please print a copy and display it in communication books and on employee noticeboards. 

As advice and information evolve, please regularly consult the latest updates by visiting the Victorian coronavirus website and the Monash Health COVID-19 website.

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