Chief Executive Special Series: 21 October – Dr Cameron Wolfe COVID-19 Q&A Sessions Video 3

Special Series: Dr Cameron Wolfe COVID-19 Q&A Sessions 

Dr Cameron Wolfe discusses the effects of the Delta variant on patients and why the young and fit need to get vaccinated

Today I continue the Special Series with Monash Health alum Dr Cameron Wolfe sharing valuable insights of the pandemic from Duke University Hospital.

For those who have followed the series so far, you will be aware of Cameron’s measured and thoughtful approach to knowledge sharing supported by a wealth of experience on the frontline and clinical research trials.

Based in North Carolina, Duke University Hospital is a full-service tertiary and quaternary care hospital ranked among the best in the US. Cameron and the team work with upwards of 200 COVID-positive admissions a day in the current climate. So, we are fortunate to have such a credible and supportive voice to complement the reliable Monash Health Infection Prevention and Clinical teams’ experience and advice.

In the third video, Cameron describes the effects of the Delta variant on the wide range of patients he sees, including notable differences in the speed of onset and severity of symptoms, particularly for pregnant women. We have also noted this concerning trend at Monash Health, and Cameron points out the overwhelming benefits of vaccination for pregnant women and across all age groups.

Similarly to what we see here in Australia, Cameron observes that vaccination is proving to be one of the best defences against severe illness, hospitalisations or long-term complications due to COVID-19. Cameron’s experience with students on campus and the younger population of North Carolina means he is well acquainted with the mindset of them feeling safe from the virus by being young and fit. He gives sound evidence and reasoning on why younger cohorts need to be vaccinated too.

I encourage you to watch the video to gain an informed perspective of the implications of the Delta variant in a healthcare setting and reasoning for discussing vaccination with patients, family and friends – including the young.

Thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication to seeking credible information and advice to support your actions. It is one of the many ways you are all ensuring the safety of our patients, each other, and the community.

Andrew Stripp
Chief Executive

All managers are requested to share these updates with their teams and discuss at stand-ups and handovers. Please print a copy and display it in communication books and on employee noticeboards.

As advice and information evolve, please consult the latest updates and visit the Department of Health and Human Services and Monash Health COVID-19 website for employees regularly for the latest.

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