A return to face-to-face meetings

We are making changes to our meeting protocols which will include the return of face-to-face meetings. As part of this change, our conference rooms and lecture theatres will reopen.  

Our priority is to manage the safe return of face-to-face meetings. For a meeting to proceed, the organisers must follow the following protocols: 

  • Attendees must not be symptomatic 
  • Attendee numbers must be appropriate for the room space 
  • Physical distancing requirements (1.5 m distance) should be maintained, if possible 
  • External attendees (non-Monash Health) require permission to attend clinical areas. This is the responsibility of the manager of the area and will be granted only in exceptional circumstances 
  • Face masks are required as per visitor attendance. Surgical masks (as a minimum) are required on entry to the service
  • Face masks can be removed in lecture theatres if physical distancing measures can be maintained 
  • There is to be no shared food during meetings. This includes open platters of sandwiches, individually wrapped chocolates, lollies, or bars of any kind   
  • A written record of attendance will need to be taken for meetings over 4 hours
  • Hand hygiene and surface decontamination procedures should be completed using the equipment provided in the meeting place  

The change to face-to-face meetings is effective immediately. 

In some face-to-face settings, for example where training is needed, there will be some additional PPE requirements. Further guidance for these areas is coming soon.     

Bookings for conference rooms and lecture theatres will be required and can be made when scheduling your meeting via Outlook. 

Approved by Rhonda Stuart 

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