OHS Safety Café
Please join us on Wednesday 18 August at 2pm via Webex for an OHS Safety Café.
Event details
- Event address: https://monashhealth.webex.com/monashhealth/onstage/g.php?MTID=e1148fcaf37a4b7b1db4108a365f6f7c5
- Password: SAFETYCAFE
- Event Number: 165 464 5538
Use the event link on your computer or the event number on your Webex smartphone app to join this event.
Webex Events require extra steps to log in, including the event password, so please allow five minutes to join before the event start time.
Participate using Slido
To ask a question during the event, log on to slido.com using your web browser or smartphone and enter the code #SAFETYCAFE.
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