National Reconciliation Week: Wayapa

National Reconciliation Week: Wayapa

Please join us on Friday 28 May at 12pm via Webex for National Reconciliation Week – Wayapa.

National Reconciliation Week: 27 May – 3 June 2021

National Reconciliation Week is recognised nationally each year, commencing 27 May through to 3 June. These dates mark the anniversary of two significant historical milestones for the journey to Reconciliation; The 1967 Referendum, which occurred on the 27 May, 1967, and the High Court Mabo decision, which was handed down on 3 June, 1992.

National Reconciliation Week aims to build respectful and positive relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. The theme for National Reconciliation Week in 2021 is ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action’.


Wayapa is an internationally accredited Indigenous wellbeing modality consisting of a narrative movement and meditation practice connecting with 14 elements in nature and founded in Aboriginal wisdom in caring for and connecting to country.

Thaedra Frangos is an accredited Wayapa Wuurrk® earth mindfulness facilitator, biodynamic craniosacral therapist and healer, freelance movement artist and dancer. Thaedra lives on Wadawurrung country and is a proud Wemba Wemba (Gourrmjanyuk) and Dhudhuroa (Theddora Mittung) woman with Greek lineage.

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28 May 2021




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