With teams adapting quickly to change and to support our COVID-19 work, we are putting in place additional wellbeing support options.
Call a Psychologist
Monash Health psychologists are now offering a free, confidential service to our employees, which may help individuals or teams. The service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm by calling 0418 905 414.
Please download the flyer about this service and distribute it widely.
Expanded EAP service
Our EAP provider, Converge International, is always available to call 24 hours a day for you and members of your family.
In recognition of the current pressures on our teams, they are expanding the hours during which they can provide sessions.
Starting next Tuesday 14 April, consultants will provide sessions through until 11pm on weeknights and will also do sessions from 9am to 5pm over the weekends.
This is to accommodate the increase in same-day requests for support and also to help those who do shift work or have children at home.
Access the EAP’s dedicated portal:
- https://convergeinternational.com.au/
- The username and password is ‘monashhealth’
- Or call 1300 687 327
Health support
The employee hotline is an additional service to help you gain access to the right people within Monash Health to help answer questions or concerns you may have about your own health as a result of COVID-19.
The Monash Health Employee Hotline Number is 959 45815 (external) or extension 45815 (internal only) and is accessible from all Monash Health sites or from home or off site.
Priority screening for COVID-19 is also available for our employees.
Resources from the library
The team at the Monash Health library has put together some self-care resources and recommendations for clinicians and nurses. The resource guide features books, apps, podcasts and links. It has something for you and those close to you.
All of this information and more can be found on the health and wellbeing pages of the Monash Health COVID-19 website for employees. We will continue to build on these resources.
Authorised by Karen Lowe, Executive Director People & Culture
Signed off by HICT 9 April 2020