Mental health training available for everyone

In the early stages of the coronavirus lockdowns in Australia, the Black Dog Institute told us they had seen an overall 200-300% increase in the use of their online resources. 

People are seeking some help and advice that they can access at their fingertips, and they are looking for reputable sources 

Monash Health has two mental health training programs online, which you can access via Latteput together with the assistance of the Black Dog Institute 

These are not just a once-off training. You can also go back and utilise the resources at other times if you feel the need.  

There is an employee module and a manager module.  

Each of the modules consists of an eLearning package, podcast and supporting resources and addresses key focus areas of mental health and wellbeing, such as: 

  1. prevalence
  2. signs and symptoms
  3. looking after your team
  4. self-care and wellbeing. 

There is also a specific coronavirus resource Black Dog is making available on its website, which we have linked to from our health and wellbeing pages on the Monash Health COVID-19 website for employees.  

Please take advantage of these resources and let your colleagues know they are there too 

Stay tuned to the Thursday Webex sessions, which are now taking on more of a wellbeing theme. You can find details of upcoming events on the home page of the COVID-19 website for employees.  

Approved by Michael Holman, Director Talent Management, People and Culture

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