Looking after yourself, your colleagues and your family

As COVID-19 restrictions come back into force, you may experience anxiety or stress.

We care about your mental health and wellbeing and are committed to supporting you throughout this uncertain time with a wide range of resources found on the Health and Wellbeing page on the Monash Health COVID-19 website.

If you notice that someone is not doing well, it’s important to check in and remind them of the services we have available.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a professional counselling service that offers confidential, short-term support for a variety of work-related and personal problems that may be affecting you at work or at home. This service is available to employees, immediate family members and volunteers for counselling and coaching support. There are eight programs providing assistance and support.

Call 1300 687 327 or visit the EAP Portal. The login for the EAP Portal is monashhealth using both the username and password.

For more information, visit the Coronavirus website for more information.

Call a Psychologist

For concerns specific to COVID-19, Monash Health psychologists are providing a confidential and free service for our employees through Call a Psychologist. To access Call a Psychologist, call: 0418 905 414 Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm

Family violence support

At Monash Health we remain committed to providing a supportive and non-judgemental response to employees and patients impacted by family violence. Support for employees includes practical measures such as family violence leave and flexible work options. Learn more about this on our recently update employee webpage ‘Respectful Relationships and family violence’ or see the Manager’s guide to supporting our employees, which is available on PROMPT and on the intranet.

If you are responding to a patient impacted by family violence, there are a range of resources available on PROMPT or contact our family violence team via: familyviolenceeducation@monashhealth.org.

Crisis support is available via 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) and Safe Steps (1800 015 188). As always, if you are in immediate danger, call 000.

Phone Applications

TEN – The Essential Network is an app supporting Health Professionals to manage life and work through COVID-19.

Mental health online modules

Mental Health and Wellbeing training is available on Latte – Monash Health Learning Platform. The training consists of four eLearning modules with accompanying podcast and fact sheets. The aim of this training program is to provide practical ways to increase workplace resilience and empower you to look after your own mental health and the mental health of your colleagues.

Log onto Latte and search for mental health.

Mental Health and Wellbeing – Employees

Mental Health and Wellbeing – Managers



This website is for Monash Health employees. Please be mindful before sharing links.Learn more