Chief Executive COVID-19 Update: 18 September

Message from the Chief Executive

As of today, we have:

  • Six COVID-19 positive inpatients, none of whom are in ICU.
  • Four employees with COVID-19.
  • 14 employees in precautionary quarantine.

I want to take a moment to thank you for the work that has been done across Monash Health this year, under challenging circumstances professionally and personally. Right across our health service, each day I see your effort, determination and care.

I’m not alone. Please read this letter from the Premier, thanking you for your work keeping Victorians safe, and advising of the support that is available for any healthcare workers who contract COVID-19 at work.

Wednesday’s State Government media release stepped out the roadmap for the resumption of planned/elective surgery activity across the state.

Hospitals in metropolitan Melbourne will increase to 75 per cent of usual activity from 28 September, when we enter the Second Step of the roadmap, and 85 per cent of usual activity when we move to the Third Step.

The last step to COVID Normal, planned for 23 November, will see all Victorian hospitals move to 100 per cent of usual activity. There will also be an elective surgery blitz, when it is safe to do so, to catch up on the backlog.

Our relevant clinical leadership teams are currently formulating resumption plans for various service areas including surgery, dental, cardiac, radiology, other planned medical activity, and outpatients, including our various community clinics.

Plans and impacts for sites and services will be endorsed by the executive committee and then shared in due course.

Further information regarding the State Government announcement can be found here:

It has been pleasing to see the number of COVID-19 positive cases in Victoria continue to fall this week. It is a reflection of the hard work we have all put in, and the sacrifices Victorians have made since this pandemic began.

While it is encouraging to see numbers decline, we are not through COVID-19. This is not a situation in which we will reach a point where we can let our guard down and allow any complacency with infection prevention to creep into our work. Please set the bar high for yourself and within your team and maintain this vigilance outside of work as well.

Thank you as always, for all that you do.

Andrew Stripp

Chief Executive

Key Messages

Expired 3M 8210 masks to be returned

A number of the 3M 8210 masks have now expired. Safer Care Victoria is working with 3M to determine whether these masks are still safe to continue using, as they have been determined to be in other countries.

However, until we have confirmation from Safer Care Victoria, we ask you to immediately inspect the expiry date located on the bottom of the box. If the expiry date is still valid, you can continue using these on your ward.

If the expiry date has passed, follow the steps below. Please do not dispose of them.

What do I need to do with the 3M 8210 masks?

  • Immediately return expired 3M 8210 masks to your closest Nursing Co-ordinator’s office.
  • Procurement will arrange collection from the Nursing Co-ordinator’s Office.

What can I replace the mask with?

  • If you need an N95 mask, please order via Iproc – the closest variant is the 3M 1860 (Iproc:402433) or BYD N95 (Iproc:402455).

Need further information

  • Please contact your manager or alternatively please contact Clinical Products Manager Andrew Coe via

Attestation reminder

By now, those of you working on-site will be getting used to completing your daily attestation. This is about helping to make workplaces safer for Victorian healthcare workers by ensuring everyone is well before commencing a workday on-site.

The Attestation form takes less than a minute and can be completed before arriving at work. Please ensure you show your green tick and the current date stamp to our friendly screening team as you enter your workplace each day. For more information, user guides and answers to some of your frequently asked questions visit the Employee Attestations page.

Monash Health employees break language barrier with messages to their communities

With over 18,000 employees, Monash Health is proud to have such a culturally diverse team and community. Recently, the Department of Health and Human Services featured several of our people in a series of videos aimed at specific cultural groups in the Victorian community. Read more and watch the videos here.

Treatment at home for children with cancer

We have seen many services adapt the way they deliver care to ensure the safety of employees and patients during COVID-19. In some instances, teams have produced innovative solutions to complex challenges that have surfaced.

This is the case with the Children’s Cancer Centre at Monash Children’s Hospital. The team recently commenced an at-home treatment program for patients with low-risk febrile neutropaenia and sent home their first patient with great success! Learn more here.

Nursing in the Community week

It’s Nursing in the Community week, and we are so grateful for the contribution that our nurses make to the health and wellbeing of our community. Read about the work that Denae De Luca does in the ‘Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies’ team.

Meet Wayne – Monash Health patient and volunteer for over 15 years

Wayne has been a patient at Monash Health for the last 20 years, since he was first diagnosed with Scleroderma. For the past 17 years, despite his condition, Wayne has volunteered for the annual physician exams. He has also consented to be examined by countless medical students during his numerous hospital admissions, to help them prepare for their exams.

Wayne has provided a whole new generation of doctors with firsthand experience of this rare and complex disease. He was recently presented with a 15-year Volunteer Service Certificate and a special plaque. Read more here.

Continue to take advantage of wellbeing resources

Take advantage of the health and wellbeing resources we have available for you, including the Call a Psychologist service and the employee assistance program. Don’t forget the basics of your physical health and remember we have links to resources online for you and your teams, including a helpful guide to stretching at your desk, wherever that desk might be.

Ensure you are working to the most up-to-date advice

The information about COVID-19 is changing rapidly. Ensure you are working to the most up-to-date advice by referring to the Monash Health Employee Coronavirus website. To make accessing the site quicker, you can create a shortcut on your smartphone by following these instructions.

Upcoming events

Employee Forum, 2pm Tuesday 22 September

Join our Employee Forum for an opportunity to discuss Monash Health’s COVID-19 response.

COVID-19 Update

Andrew Stripp, Chief Executive

Andrew will provide an update on Monash Health’s COVID-19 response.

COVID-19 Pathways – supporting people who test positive to COVID-19

Georgia Soldatos, Program Director, Acute Medicine, SubAcute and Community Program


Andrew Stripp / Members of the Executive


Employee Forum, 2pm Thursday 24 September

Join our Employee Forum for an opportunity to discuss Monash Health’s COVID-19 response.

COVID-19 Update

Andrew Stripp, Chief Executive

Andrew will provide an update on Monash Health’s COVID-19 response.

The New Norm – Physical activity/Healthy eating

Sally Leonard, Exercise Physiologist & Maryanne Silvers, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics


Andrew Stripp / Members of the Executive

Stay up to date with events on our COVID-19 website for Monash Health employees:

All managers are requested to share these updates with their teams and discuss at stand-ups and handovers. Please print a copy and display it in communication books and on employee noticeboards.

As advice and information evolve, please consult the latest updates and visit the Department of Health and Human Services and Monash Health COVID-19 website for employees regularly for the latest.

This website is for Monash Health employees. Please be mindful before sharing links.Learn more