New wellbeing resources on COVID-19 website

As we move into a challenging phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with another stage 3 lockdown in place for Melbourne and positive cases increasing, our emotional responses can take us by surprise.

Fear, anxiety and other strong emotions are natural at a time like this, but how do we manage them? It is as important that we continue to find strategies to help us stay mentally and emotionally well, as it is to stay physically well.

We’ve maintained the message throughout this crisis response; in these unprecedented times, you need to look after the most important people too: you and your loved ones.

Over the coming weeks our Thursday employee forums on Webex, will include a topic related to health and wellbeing, so please tune in to those too.

This week we’ve pulled together some more resources and content on the health and wellbeing pages of the coronavirus website for employees.

This material is accessible to you at any time (in or out of work), it’s free, and while there is a particular focus on resources for clinicians and health professionals, there is also material which would help anyone working in our health service.

Adjunct Professor Melissa Casey recently delivered a presentation Psychological Health and Safety: the Mind-Body Connection. It includes some very practical pieces of advice about how to look after your day-to-day wellbeing.

There are a number of peer support groups online, with content specific to COVID-19 or managing in a pandemic – this includes material for clinicians, nurses and midwives, and a new service for pharmacists. The links have been added to a new page.

We are all invited to take part in weekly mindfulness sessions brought to you by Southern Synergy at Monash University. Find out more.

Mindfulness talks and videos are also available, featuring someone who will be familiar to many at Monash Health, Associate Professor Craig Hassad from Monash Mindfulness at Monash University.

There are free online courses and resilience and wellbeing short videos for clinicians – and for anyone – now available thanks to the University of Melbourne.

Take some time out and try some of this material to find something that suits you.

Of course, you are still strongly encouraged to make use of the individual supports too:

  • Contact the Employment Assistance Program – 1300 687 327
  • Call a Psychologist – 0418 905 414 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).

Approved by Karen Lowe, Executive Director, People & Culture on 15 July 2020

This website is for Monash Health employees. Please be mindful before sharing links.Learn more