One central number for COVID-19 vaccination bookings

As we move to expand our vaccination program to our community, with the opening of additional high-volume vaccination centres, our COVID-19 vaccination bookings will now be made via the Victorian Government’s central bookings line.

All eligible people can book a COVID-19 vaccination at any Monash Health clinic by calling the Victorian Government Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398*, which is open 24 hours a day.

With almost 75 per cent of our employees having had their first dose, and booked in for the second, those who would still like to book, can access any of our clinics or high-volume vaccination centres via the hotline.

To make a booking, call 1800 675 398 and then select, option 1, option 1, option 1.

If you have an existing booking it will not change and you can attend your appointment as scheduled. However, if you need to cancel or change your booking, you can call the same number.

This transition creates one centralised booking system for all our clinics and gives you more choice of location. Your eligibility for vaccination as a Monash Health employee does not change.

The Monash Health COVID-19 Employee Vaccination Enquiries Line (03) 9594 5815, will remain open so you can speak to them for advice before making a booking, if you have questions about the vaccines and any allergies or potential side effects. The enquiries line team will not be taking bookings.

The current Employee Vaccination Bookings Line will close at the end of the day on Wednesday 19 May.

*Casey Hospital existing COVID-19 vaccination bookings
If you are a Monash Health employee and had an existing vaccination booking at Casey Hospital, your vaccination will now be administered at St John of God Hospital Berwick. Unless you hear from St John of God, the booking date and time will remain the same, and your vaccination will be in their clinic at 75 Kangan Road, Berwick Ground Floor Consulting Suites (across the road from Casey Hospital).

If you wish to change your appointment, please call the St John of God Bookings Line directly on 8784 5584.

If you live or work in Casey or surrounds and would like to book an appointment at St John of God please call them directly on 8784 5584.

This website is for Monash Health employees. Please be mindful before sharing links.Learn more