Recognising outstanding service to Human Research Ethics

Congratulations to Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor Krishna Vaddadi, who was recognised by the Monash Health Human Research Ethics Committee for his 26 years of service. 

Over the journey, Professor Vaddadi, a psychiatrist, has had the privilege of watching Monash Health’s research grow from strength to strength.  

“Monash research and ethics committee is a highly professional progressive committee,” he says. “It upholds scientific, ethical values. At every meeting over the years, I learned a lot from my colleagues on the committee and from all the different chairs of the committee.” 

While members are appointed annually, there are some long-standing members, such as Professor Vaddadi, who have been instrumental in mentoring new members and supporting researchers in a facilitative and constructive way.  

“I enjoyed the scientific rigour with which projects were dealt with, and in a timely manner. The committee members were keen to help researchers to get the projects going from application to completion. This is the best committee at Monash Health I have attended over the years. My special thanks to Deborah Dell and the chairs of the committee.” 

After 26 years of service, Professor Vaddadi has recently stepped down from his position. On behalf of the Monash Health Human Research Ethics Committee, Dr Simon Bower, Chair of the Committee and Debbie Dell, Director of Research Operations, passed on sincere gratitude to Professor Vaddadi. 

“The committee would also like to pay respect to Professor Vaddadi’s commitment and tireless work over the past three decades” say Simon and Debbie. 

If you are interested in joining the Monash Health Human Research Ethics Committee, please contact the Research Support Services team via Debbie Dell. This is a fabulous opportunity for those interested in building up a research career at Monash Health to learn from a highly skilled and diverse group who are committed to facilitating research. 

Approved by Anjali Dhulia

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